

Friday, June 17, 2011

Updation Plantation (Not to be confused with a Dalmation Plantation)

I have been super frustrated lately because every time I get on my google reader, there are never any new posts by my favorite bloggers. But I thought about it, and I hadn't written anything for a long time, so I figured it was only fair to give them a break. But then this morning there were about 6 new posts, so I figured they were telling me to get on with it all ready and write something. So here I am.

I think mainly I have been hesitant about posting because I feel like not so much is going on right now. After all, it's summer and I'm living in a place with approximately two people that are my age (that aren't married with two children). However, today I sat down and stood up and thought about it, and there are quite a few things that have happened that I feel I could possibly spin as entertaining if i really tried. While my mother religiously uses lists to keep herself organized and well-planned, I prefer them in scenarios when I can't think of great segues from on subject to another, so here is my list of the summer so far:

1. I came back to Maryland. It is not as spiteful and loathing of me as I remember it. In fact, it has been rather pleasant.

2. I am mainly babysitting for money and it has been an awesome experience. I have had some great (and very not-so-great) times looking after many different children. Sometimes it feels like I'm mainly watching after the TV, but considering not one has been stolen under my guard, I assume I'm doing a good job.

3. I am a primary teacher! I teach CTR 6 (which is 6 and 7-year-olds to those who aren't aware) and it is basically my favorite thing in the world. Every one of those kids makes me so so happy to be their teacher and I love them so much already. Especially when they explain things like the reason why somebody who was tied up wouldn't complain to Heavenly Father because they couldn't move their arms so they couldn't fold them. It's the best.

4. I miss my nephews so so much it makes me die. Sometimes I get to talk to them on the phone and it is so great.

5. I lost seven pounds!

6. I'm running a 5K tomorrow and I am super nervous about it, but I'm going to do it and it will be great!

7. There is some kind of Acne Apocalypse on the left side of my face and I hate it. Probably nobody wanted to know that, but I'm going with full disclosure here.

8. I have had a million fun times with my mom and dad and brother and sister-in-law. I am so thankful for them.

9. Kevin James!

10. I dyed my hair dark again. It was fun being blonde, but I am ADD when it comes to my hair so it was time for a change. It probably won't stay this way for long.

11. I went to the eye doctor today and found out I have a little astigmatism, but I don't have glaucoma, which was super great news. (I bet you didn't know I was scared about having glaucoma. I was)

12. I have to go to bed now!


  1. You, me, Arundel Mills mall, ski masks. . . that Kevin James cut out will be mounted on you wall by morning.

    But not really. But yes really, Will Smith; congratulations on you 7 pounds.

  2. Just curious--was #3 when you were teaching a lesson about Nephi on the ship?

  3. Yes it was, and it was so funny.
