

Thursday, June 23, 2011

J.K. Rowling makes me feel like a jerk

So today it took me like twelve years to eat dinner. I was all hungry, but in the mood for real food, as opposed to that fake kind I'm always eating, but I didn't know what I wanted and I was being lazy. But then Kimberly mentioned macaroni tuna and it sounded perfect and like the only thing I could possibly want. So then Mom says, "I don't think we have any Cream of Chicken." I was skeptical because we have like a million cans of whatever downstairs in our food storage, and a whole section that's labeled "Cream of Chicken," so first I checked the pantry and there wasn't any so I went to the food storage shelves. First, naturally, I checked that specific shelf, and although it was full of cans, there were exactly zero Cream of Chicken. It was mostly Cream of Mushroom and Tomato Soup and Chicken Noodle. So then I'm thinking maybe I should look where the Cream of Mushroom and Tomato Soup is supposed to be, but I look there, and you know what there is? Cream of Mushroom and Tomato Soup. Why magical food storage shelves? There are roughly 483 cans of Tomato Soup and 376 cans of Cream of Mushroom, and we don't have a single can of Cream of Chicken? DISAPPOINTMENT.

Anyway. I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series because basically I love it and it's a summer tradition for me. I just finished reading the fourth one and I was feeling all guilty because I kept thinking about how J.K. Rowling makes me feel like the worst person in the world. Maybe it's just me. I like Cedric fine, but at first I'm all, "Amos Diggory is a jerk. Cedric shouldn't have even won that match." And then I'm like, ""everybody is being mean to Harry because they like Cedric more, boo." And then it's time for the Yule Ball and I'm sad because I just want Harry to be happy, and he wants to go with Cho, but nooooo, she's going with Cedric. And it's just frustrating, and then when they both get to the trophy at the end, I think, "Harry should just win it." Clearly I'm bias. But then Cedric dies, and suddenly I'm all sad about it. But not just sad. Guilty. Because I've been all hating of Cedric because I want Harry to be the winner of the universe, and I want him to get the girl or whatever. And then I don't even like Cho later because she gets all annoying and crazy, so then I'm even more guilty, because Cedric and Cho would have been so happy together, but they can't be happy because he's dead. What the heck, J.K.? Why you gotta be that way.

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