

Friday, April 1, 2011

Knock, Knock. Who's there? Boo.

I was just reading a friend's blog, and the first sentence of one of her posts was, "I am not a crier." She then proceeded to list the few times she remembers crying. As I was reading, I was thinking, well that's just not me. Because I...

I am a crier. I cry all the time. For no real reason at all sometimes. I spent a lot of time just last week crying. And it was mainly because I was stressed and trying to make a big decision in my life (I'm going back to MD for the summer, bee tee dubs) and it caused me to just weep all the time.

My dear sister still doesn't let me live down the fact that I cried in Flipper. I guess it sure affected me. Maybe little, baby Elijah Wood just got to me. Maybe I was really sad about whatever problem Flipper was having. What is Flipper even about anyway? I just know there's a dolphin. Whatever it was, it must have been devastating. But probably not really, because I'm sure any member of my family would happily share with you the countless times that we've been sitting in a movie and they hear the sniffling. There were times that I physically couldn't sit through an entire movie because I couldn't even handle how much I was crying. Bridge to Terabithia for one. That movie was not properly advertised.

When I upset my parents, cry. When I see an especially touching episode of Psych, I maybe will cry. When I am dating a boy and then I am not, I cry, regardless of who may have wanted out.

I'm not writing all this because I want to be all, "Oh I'm sad all the time, feel bad for me!" Because I'm not sad all the time. I'm not even sad most of the time. It's just something I do. I love my life, and when I'm happy, I smile, when something is funny, I laugh, when I am angry, I ...be angry. I'm like Denzel in Remember the Titans (which, yes, I totally cried in). My emotions reside mostly on my sleeves. And it is something that has made me strong I think. Some people have issues about being open with people, and that's never really been my problem.

For the majority of my life, I was pretty ashamed of this quality. But that's just silly. I can't exactly control the fact that when I am upset, I start leaking. It's just a part of me. I am still happy with who I am, and have now accepted the crying factor of my life enough that I don't have to be embarrassed that I cried in The Village. Yeah, I know. I've learned to embrace it. It's just the way I roll.

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