

Monday, January 25, 2010

Shocking Confessions

So I'm sitting here in my living room, my lovely roommate just woke up from her nap and has the most crazy awesome hair I've ever seen. Seriously, it's the best thing ever. I love Bri. Anyway. So I'm sitting here, sleepy after a long (boring) day of school. And my new FHE mom comes in! Yay, she seems nice. Maybe I'll actually go.

So she knocks on the door and she's talking to me for like a half a second, maybe more, and all I can think about is the fact that I'm sitting here in the dark in a very unflattering position on my computer. There are no lights on and I'm not listening to anything or watching TV, just staring at my computer. And also there are mysterious and loud sounds coming from the back because we're finally getting our bathroom ceiling fixed (Did I mention we had a leak? Here's what's not fun, stumbling to the bathroom in the morning and stepping on a completely soaked bathmat. Blech)

To sum up: Loud noises, wet bathmat, dark living room, creepy weirdo first impression made by me. How embarrassing and demoralizing. boo.

She's gonna think I'm a vampire. Maybe I shouldn't go to FHE after all...

Maybe I should turn on the light, because my other roommate just walked in and furthered my embarrassment. Blast!

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