

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Like totally

So in my favorite class today (Linguistics and the Media, not to be confused with my other favorite class, Psycholinguistics) we read a study about how in the nineties, teenagers used to use all in the quotative sense, as in "I was all, 'oh no you didn't,'" but now we all use like. The ensuing discussion in class was so comically frustrating that I kind of never want to talk again. Because when you're talking about the word like, every single time that word is uttered, you flinch. And then you realize, or at least I realize, that I say it a lot. A lot. And I've been trying really hard not to, but it's really difficult. The discussion today also reminded me of this:

You're right, Mos Def. I do like this cat a lot.

We also talked about slang phrases in the nineties that aren't really used anymore, and I'm thinking that some of them really need to be incorporated back into my speech. Mainly "all that and a bag of chips." Because really, how else am I supposed to explain how cool that guy is? He's so cool that you need to add a snack food just to describe it! So get ready to hear that if you spend any time with me. It's gonna be so gnarly.

Other things going on with me:

1. I went snowmobiling for the first time ever, and here's what I learned: I love snowmobiling. It's awesome. It's all that and a bag of chips. Salt and vinegar chips. Because we all know they're the best.

2. My nephew, Joel, turns two on Saturday. That's so awesome. How did it even happen? Crazy pants.

3. This week is dang busy, but it's only because I have a lot of social events going on. So basically, thanks, friends, for wanting to hang out with me. I super appreciate it.

4. I'm a little too concerned about zombies right now. But it's making me really prepared for the future. The dark, dreadful, post-apocalyptic future.

5. I'm babysitting my nephews tonight and we're gonna paaaartaaay. Probably by watching The Lion King. Don't hate.

6. Lately I have been having some beautiful talks with some beautiful people. And I've decided/discovered some beautiful things. First, don't make decisions based on how other people feel about them. Second, work harder on liking myself before I try to make others like me. Third, junk food and I have an unhealthy relationship. I'm working on it.

7. I always make fun of my mom and her list making fanatacism (fanatacism is probably not a word, but I think you get it). But, clearly I need to worry about the beam sticking out of my eye first. Lists are awesome.

8. My parents are in Mexico swimming with sting rays and having an awesome time and not only am I jealous, but I MISS THEM. I keep pulling out my phone to text my mom and then I remember I can't. Sad face. And she told me I could email her, but I'm sorry, mama, I don't remember things that long.

So there you go. I explained Cockney English to someone today. That was cool.

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