

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I thought for sure that by this point in my life teleportation would have been invented. And I thought that for sure because my whole life my brother Jason has been telling me that he would invent it. That is the thing he was always going to be famous for. And I'm leaving for Provo tomorrow and how am I getting there? By a chair that flies through the sky that might offer TV and internet access if I pay for it. What is this world coming to?

Jason, I was counting on you.

This should be me


  1. Hahaha, Yes! Jason! What's wrong with you?! Erika, if you need a lawyer specializing in lawsuits against immediate family members, I only charge two cans of black cherry shasta and unlimited Hot Pockets.


  2. technically by etymological logic (funny how that works) tele = far far away and port = to carry (in one sense of the word), not necessarily a hole to walk or travel through.. so if you're on a plane, you're being teleported elsewhere! :D yep kbye
