

Monday, April 26, 2010

The facts were these...

Sometimes I get hit with random bursts of domesticity. Or maybe sometimes I just want to eat something and I can't stop myself from making it happen. But I'm gonna go with the domesticity thing. Here's this:

It's peanut butter pie. I made it. It's delicious. Well actually, that has yet to be proven as it is currently in my freezer getting all frozen so I can eat it right up. I'm so excited. The thing is that the recipe said to use 16 oz of whipped cream, but I only used 8. And you know what? It looks reals good, and I even had myself a little taste, and I think an extra 8 ounces is overrated.

You know what else though? After I finished making the pie, I cleaned right up the mess I made. Because that's what my mom taught me to do. I also did the rest of the dishes, because what-the-heck the sink was so full!

But making pie made me reminisce about Pushing Daisies. That was a good show. Remember? I wish it didn't get cancelled.


  1. the pies look delicious. I jave never made a peanut butter pie. I am thrilled with the clean up. Hurray. And yes, I miss Pushing Daisies too, especially the first season, or any time singing was involved. Love, Mom

  2. Those pies were delicious. Thanks for sharing.
