There is a quote I have heard more than once that says something about what you want to do defines who you are. Like if you wake up in the morning and all you want to do is write, then you're a writer. Maybe there is more to that quote, but I kind of hate it so much and it makes me want to throw things at walls.
Because there are times when I think that if I sit down at my laptop and write, then something brilliant will pop out that makes me rich and famous. And lots of times I feel like I should want to be writing all the time, because that's what the quote says I should want to do. But usually when I wake up in the morning, all I want to do is sleep. And if I'm sitting around thinking of fun ideas, it's mostly food related. Does anyone want to pay me to sleep and eat? Because apparently that's my greatest passion in life.
I've been thinking a lot about writing lately, and particularly about how I haven't done much of it. Especially since one of my great friends with an incredible talent for writing invited me to write for a new blog. I am thrilled and excited and so terrified. I am taking it on as a real job without the pay and maybe not as much time put into it, but I want it to be something good that I will be proud of. But the only thing I can think of to write about is how to effectively incorporate "baby narwhal saver" into this post. I think I did a pretty good job of that though, so I'm feeling pretty successful.
Anyway, this is my long-winded way of saying that I'm planning on writing more on here. I can't guarantee that it is good or that it will even actually happen. But there it is.
Also, here is my life right now: I go to work, I plan my wedding, I watch the NBA playoffs. It's pretty awesome.
Also also, I started another blog that is all wedding related that will eventually have all kinds of information about it that people I know might care about. But as of yet, it pretty much has nothing. So I'm not telling you what it is yet.
Also also also, if anyone has any input on what I should write about for my friend's blog, let me know. It should be something that isn't me related, because that's not as important to the rest of the world. Maybe I should think about that for my own blog...