Don't worry, guys, it was 14. I figured it out. Just calm down!
15. The times I get the best ideas for blogging are usually at around two in the morning when I'm trying to get some kind of paper or large assignment done. It's terribly inconvenient, and an obvious procrastination technique, but I like to follow through with the urge anyway. Don't be too disappointed with me, mama. I'll get my assignment done, I promise. It's finals week, ok?
16. Finals week is the worst. Seriously. It's best to just go to the HBLL and shove your head in a book or your computer and go into some kind of freaky-zen-robotic-super-nerd-worker-bee trance until all your finals are done. You can have friends when you've passed junior year.
17. Last time I wrote about how sometimes you have a really good feeling about a test and then it totally drops a bomb on you. On rare occasions, the opposite happens. You walk out of that room thinking the worst, and then, bam! you didn't do so bad after all. This happened to me today by the way. No bigs. I'm just super awesome is all.
18. As crazy stressed and out of control you feel during finals week, it really does end. I promise. And when it's over, you know what you have to look forward to? Christmas. Family. Presents. Love. And most importantly, no homework. But that family thing is great too.
19. In the same vein, not only will the semester end, but lately I keep realizing that school ends. Seriously, guys. I'm graduating in four months. Who believes that? I certainly don't. But it's happening. I only have one more finals week to worry about in my whole life. And I'm only taking three classes. Piece of cake.
20 a. Finals week is the worst. Oh. Did I already say that? I've learned it lots of times. It pretty much turns me into a psychopath who has no control over my own emotions or anything I say or do. So I try to have as little contact with people as possible. Or if I do see people, I make sure they're the people who I know for sure will still love me with their whole heart when the week is over. (I'm looking at you, Keng.)
20 b. Kendra Lynn Moberg has been in my life for a while, but very recently she has become a staple to my everyday survival.. I don't know how I could have gotten through the last couple of days without her, and I only wish I knew a way to express my appreciation for her. I love you, girl.
21. When you're as close to finishing college as I am (can I rub this in enough? No. I can't.), it's pretty much a lost cause to try to sell your books back. Especially because you bought them on Amazon for, like, 12 cents or something. So now you're stuck with The Book of Jewish Practice forever, and you'll just have to deal with it.
22. When that glorious moment arrives when you walk out of your last final, and you have zero responsibility for at least a second, do me a favor. Go to your room or a comfy spot that you enjoy, lie down, and think about absolutely nothing. If you want to cry, go for it. If you want to laugh maniacally, that's ok too. But just take a moment to let go of everything you've learned over the semester, so that you can prepare yourself for another four months of new information being crammed into your head.
23. After your moment of zen, have a dance party or something. Finishing finals is super exciting.

It kinda makes me feel like this. This picture is way too big, but I think that just emphasizes the excitement of it all, and I don't have the heart to change it.
Three more days.