

Saturday, July 24, 2010

French men are ridiculous.

First of all, Paris is the best. It was a nice little vacation from London. And no, London is not a vacation. Something wonderful about Paris is that it is beautiful. Something not so wonderful is that it stinks. A lot. Everywhere you go. But especially the metro. Yikes. While there were many amazing things that happened this weekend, let me just share one story for your reading pleasure.

It's possible that I ate too many crepes whilst in the land of amour. But, really, how can you ever have too many crepes? At this particular moment, I had just gotten a lemon and sugar one and was rather joyful about it. I composed a song on the spot that went something like this "Oh creeepe, I love yoooooouuu." Off to the side I hear "I love you too, baby!" And I see a man sitting at a cafe smiling at me. It was hilarious and I laughed and ran onto the metro in a jovial/slightly creeped out fashion.

And that's not the only story of that nature. Like the time the gold man winked at me.

Paris. Good times.


  1. This picture is so cute. I am glad you found love in Paris. And I am glad it was love with a dessert.
